
What subjects will my child be learning?
At Settlers Farm we plan, teach and assess using the Australian Curriculum at every year level.
When a child starts school, they will be getting to know their environment, their teacher and meeting new friends. Students also need to become familiar with class routine, school and classroom rules. Most teachers like discussing their expectations very early with their new students. Students will experience a wide range of curriculum areas including:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Science
- The Arts
- Technologies
- Health and Physical Education
- Languages

Student Voice and Support Programmes
Students from years 1 – 6 will be given the opportunity to share their voice and discuss the things that are important to them whilst also giving back to the school. Students in years 1-6 can participate in Student Voice committee and students in year 6 have the chance to be part of Student Action Teams and take on more responsibilities across the school.
The school provides many support programs for students with additional needs e.g. literacy support in reading, writing, listening and speaking, English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD), and Speech Support. There are special programmes in the schools such as First Language Maintenance in Vietnamese and Dari/ Farsi. Your child may be involved with these teachers and School Services Officers as well.
Our educators have extensive experience in teaching literacy and individualise learning for children who require extra support. The ongoing collection of assessment assists educators plan for differentiation and identify learners who need timely intervention.
Information Communication Technology
Settlers Farm Campus is fast becoming a school of innovation with a substantial investment in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Our aim is to provide current and alternative platforms for students to engage in and personalise their learning. The school has invested much time and money in establishing a foundation for our students to build on ICT skills. This is in line with the Australian Curriculum’s General Capabilities which states:
In the Australian Curriculum, students develop ICT capability as they learn to use ICT effectively and appropriately to access, create and communicate information and ideas, solve problems and work collaboratively in all learning areas at school, and in their lives beyond school. The capability involves students in learning to make the most of the digital technologies available to them, adapting to new ways of doing things as technologies evolve and limiting the risks to themselves and others in a digital environment’.
We have introduced many new and exciting innovations at our site including an upgraded internet service with a wireless network, lunchtime ICT activities, class websites and the purchasing of Laptops, Ipads and Tablets across all year levels.
Students from yr 4-6 have access to 1:1 devices, supplied by the school, to support with their learning. All other classes will have access to shared technology within their respective year level cohort.
We are aware of the security risks associated with the use of technology in a cyber-world and have taken vast and stringent measures to minimise exposure to these risks. We are constantly upskilling students and staff in appropriate protocol with regards to internet use and in particular social media. Students and parents sign user agreements ensuring there is a clear and common understanding for the welfare of all.
The school has a 3D printer with students having access to this technology and benefitting from the learnings from a young age.

Resource Centre
Borrowing Limits
Borrowing Times
The library is open for whole school borrowing by children from 8.45 – 9.05 am and from 12.35 – 12.55pm each day.
Borrowing Process
We encourage children to be independent library users and to use these steps for borrowing and returning.
Loan Period
Student loans are for a two-week period.
Some high demand items may have a shorter loan period.
Books in high demand are able to be reserved by Students
Care Of Books
Children are encouraged to use a library bag whenever they borrow.
Specialist Programs
The technologies curriculum, comprising of both Digital and Design Technologies, is taught as a specialist subject with students exposed to a range of different online and hands on learning opportunities
The Arts
Physical Education
Settlers Farm Campus promotes community participation, co-operation, friendship, and self-esteem through our extra P.E curriculum. All activities are designed to provide students with the experience which reflects variety, vigour, challenge, achievement, fun and enjoyment. Extra sporting activities include:
- Yearly whole School Sports Day.
- Development officers run clinics in a variety of sports such as football and cricket throughout the year.
- Aquatics for Year 6.
- R-5 swimming classes.
- The students participate in swimming, athletics and other sporting carnivals with SAPSASA to provide students with a variety of experiences.
Students also have the opportunity to be part of our First Language Maintenance ‘Mother Tongue’ program.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students
We are fortunate enough to have both an Aboriginal Community Education Officer (ACEO) and an Aboriginal Education Teacher (AET) to support our ATSI students and provide opportunities to ensure we are placing importance on our cross curriculum priority of incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students Histories and Cultures into our teaching.